- Staff Resources
Off-Site CI Activities
CI Application: Off-Site
Use this application to apply for Off-Site CI activities (conferences, workshops, college visits, etc.)
CI Reimbursement Form
Use this form to submit approved Off-Site CI out-of-pocket expenses for reimbursement.
CI Takeaways Attachment
Use this link to access the required CI Takeaways attachment for the Verification of Completion form
CI Guidelines PDF
CI Reimbursement Guidelines PDF
Professional Growth/Incentive Pay
- Do not fill out a CI application or any CI-related forms if you apply for Professional Growth (incentive pay, horizontal movement, or units) through Personnel.
- If you are seeking a form of payment for attending a conference, event, course, or seminar, please contact Personnel and inquire about Professional Growth/Incentive Pay.
- As outlined in the CI Reimbursement Guidelines, please note that CI funds are only used for off-site activities to pay for registrations, membership fees, meals, and eligible travel expenses.
- Staff cannot receive both Professional Growth (incentive pay, horizontal movement, or units) AND CI hourly pay (On-Site)/CI reimbursement (Off-Site)
- Contact Pauline Mai for questions about units, incentive pay, or the professional growth process.