Academic Integrity Policies
Honesty, trust and integrity are vital components of the education process. The Governing Board believes that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student's education and character development. The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of academic dishonesty.
Honesty, trust and integrity are vital components of the education process. The Governing Board believes that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student's education and character development. The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of academic dishonesty.
Honesty, trust and integrity are vital components of the education process. The Governing Board believes that academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student's education and character development. The Board expects that students will not cheat, lie, plagiarize or commit other acts of academic dishonesty.
Academic Integrity Policies
Academic Integrity Policies
LAHS Academic Integrity Policy
MVHS Academic Integrity Policy
Alta Vista Academic Integrity Policy
Cheating Policy
Examples of cheating include the following:
1. Copying homework or copying from another's exams.
2. Allowing someone else to copy your work.
3. Plagiarism (taking or passing off as one's own the ideas, writing, etc. of another. This includes all
internet sources).
4. Improperly obtaining and/or using tests, questions, or keys.
5. Using unauthorized notes/materials or electronic devises (calculators, cell phones, computers)
Examples of cheating include the following:
1. Copying homework or copying from another's exams.
2. Allowing someone else to copy your work.
3. Plagiarism (taking or passing off as one's own the ideas, writing, etc. of another. This includes all
internet sources).
4. Improperly obtaining and/or using tests, questions, or keys.
5. Using unauthorized notes/materials or electronic devises (calculators, cell phones, computers)
Teachers will outline expectations for allowable collaboration.
First Offense - Zero on assignment or test, contact with parent by teacher, and possible one-day suspension from the class.
Second Offense - Zero on assignment or test and possible suspension from school.
Third Offense - Suspension, removal from class and possible assignment to alternative setting with no chance for re-enrollment. The student will be given the option of making up that class in summer school or through an independent study program.
First Offense - Zero on assignment or test, contact with parent by teacher, and possible one-day suspension from the class.
Second Offense - Zero on assignment or test and possible suspension from school.
Third Offense - Suspension, removal from class and possible assignment to alternative setting with no chance for re-enrollment. The student will be given the option of making up that class in summer school or through an independent study program.