- Personnel Services

Mrs. Leyla Benson
Associate Superintendent of Personnel Services
650-940-4650, 7040 leyla.benson@mvla.net
Welcome to Personnel Services
Our MVLA Personnel department is here to provide you with the valuable information you need to be successful in your position. We provide you access to the policies, guidelines and resources that promote employee success. The success of all employees is critical in ensuring support for each one of our students.
Educating our children is a noble mission. Every employee, regardless of their role, is vital to the success of our school district. Each morning, students are greeted by our amazing school personnel and every employee contributes to the positive culture on campus. Custodians and groundskeepers maintain the property, food service workers nourish our children so they are ready to learn, and teachers, counselors, administrators, assistants and coaches provide academic and social support in order to promote student success within the school community.
We are proud of the significant accomplishments of our staff. Our school communities have been recognized and highlighted by state and local organizations for their outstanding service to children. Most importantly, our students graduate with solid preparation and many of our graduates gain acceptance into the most prestigious and competitive universities in the nation.
The future looks bright for education in MVLA.
Together, we enrich the lives of the children within our community.
For additional assistance with Human Resources, please email Leyla Benson and she will answer any questions you may have or refer you to the appropriate person in the district who will be able to assist you.