Google Workspace FAQs
What is Google Workspace?
What is Google Workspace?![]()
What is Google Workspace?
MVLA Google Workspace is a suite of tools designed to empower teachers and students as they learn and innovate together, hosted by Google and managed by MVLA. Workspace provides the ability for MVLA students, faculty, and staff to communicate, store files and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time from school, work, or home.
Why did the school district do this?
Why did the school district do this?![]()
“Digital Citizenship” and “21st Century Skills” are concepts, which help teachers, technology leaders, and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship and 21st Century Skills are more than just a teaching tool; using these tools can be a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology.
How is it used?
How is it used?![]()
Google Workspace provides the ability for students and teachers to store files and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time from school or home within an online environment. The use of these tools is optional and intended to provide an approved and supportable alternative to “consumer” Google accounts.
What can my student/child do with Google Workspace?
What can my student/child do with Google Workspace?![]()
What can my student/child do with Google Workspace?
Google Workspace gives students access to Google Drive, a school Gmail account, Calendar, Docs, website authoring tools, and more. This allows your student to safely sign up for accounts online and collaborate with teachers and other students. These accounts are used for school-related projects and abide by the Technology Acceptable Use policy and the Code of Conduct.
Here are a few benefits of the Google System:
Here are a few benefits of the Google System:
- The students have a safe, controlled email address.
- They can work on any paper, presentation, etc in class and access it on any Internet-capable computer to continue working on it.
- Students can collaborate in real-time.
- AutoSave feature provides some that changes will not be lost.
- Students can upload existing Office documents and edit them in Google Drive.
- Google Drive can also act as a 'dropbox' to store other types of files.
Will my student be required to access Google Workspace at home?
Will my student be required to access Google Workspace at home?![]()
Will my student be required to access Google Workspace at home?
The instructional use of MVLA Google Workspace is optional, with decisions about Workspace in the classroom often made at the school level by teachers. Since Workspace is accessible from any device with access to the Internet, your child does have the opportunity to log in to his or her MVLA Google Workspace account from outside the school campus to access their information or work on their documents and collaborate on shared documents with other students and/or their teacher.
Can I see what my child is doing on Google Workspace, will there be a Parent View account?
Can I see what my child is doing on Google Workspace, will there be a Parent View account?![]()
Can I see what my child is doing on Google Workspace, will there be a Parent View account?
No, there is not a Parent View account. Parents are encouraged to explore Workspace with their children by logging in together.
Online security – How protected is my student from outside people?
Online security – How protected is my student from outside people?![]()
MVLA takes the security and privacy of student information very seriously. The MVLA Google Workspace domain is managed for access by staff and students in MVLA, so your student will be able to work and collaborate in a safe and secure online environment.
What about Privacy?
What about Privacy?![]()
MVLA is responsible for protecting and safeguarding the confidentiality of student information. MVLA has a contract with Google to provide access to Workplace for its users in a separate domain environment for MVLA students and staff. Under our Terms of Service Agreement with Google, like MVLA, they are obligated to comply with FERPA regulations. Additional information about Workplace security & privacy may be found on Google's Workspace website.
What assurances has Google given MVLA that they will not collect data on my student?
What assurances has Google given MVLA that they will not collect data on my student?![]()
MVLA has a signed agreement with Google based on the terms of this agreement.
MVLA Workspace for Education is compliant with the:
Who has access to my students' account?
Who has access to my students' account?![]()
Who has access to my students' account?
The Workspace Terms of Service agreement with MVLA contractually ensures that our institution (students, faculty, and staff) are the sole owners of their data. Google will only access content stored in Workspace when an administrator from MVLA grants Google explicit permission to do so. One example would be to investigate inappropriate use.
Does my student retain copyright of their creations?
Does my student retain copyright of their creations?![]()
Does my student retain copyright of their creations?
The same copyright rules apply to content in Workspace that would apply to any other creation, provided the student is the sole owner.
What protection will MVLA provide so that my child is not accessing inappropriate content on the web?
What protection will MVLA provide so that my child is not accessing inappropriate content on the web?![]()
There are no advertisements used with Workspace. Workspace is an online collaboration tool that is accessed using a web browser and requires a login and password. Workspace does not block websites. However, our school will work with students and parents to guide students toward being safe, proficient, and appropriate digital citizens.
What if another student deletes their work?
What if another student deletes their work?![]()
The owner is the only person who can delete a document. Once a document is deleted, no one can access it, including those with whom it was shared
How will Workspace reflect in their grade?
How will Workspace reflect in their grade?![]()
How will Workspace reflect in their grade?
The use of Workspace will not in itself impact grades. Consult with your students' teacher/s about individual class requirements.
Why do students need an email? Isn’t there another way to communicate?
Why do students need an email? Isn’t there another way to communicate?![]()
Workspace is available in all MVLA schools. Providing students with an email address will allow for streamlined collaboration among their peers and teachers and provide a consistent digital tool that can be accessed from home and at school. This will also allow email to become an instructional tool and allow students to participate in authentic online learning in a secure environment.