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Sexual Harassment & Resources

Sexual Harassment & Assult FlowChart



Who Experiences Teen Sexual Violence? Rates of sexual violence against youth aged 12-18 are very high,1 and the survivor normally knows the person who committed the offense.2 Nationally, about 8% or 10 million girls and 0.7% or 791,000 boys under the age of 18 have experienced either rape or attempted rape. Experiencing sexual violence as a child or teen makes it more likely the survivor will experience re-victimization in adulthood.2 One in three (30.1%) victims of completed rape experienced their first rape between ages 11-17.3 It is difficult to determine the full impact of sexual violence against teenagers since most research focuses on children or college-aged youth. There are many gaps in research on sexual violence against teens, especially those from marginalized, unserved, and underserved communities. 
Who Commits Sexual Violence Against Teens?
Youth who experience sexual violence are more likely to be victimized by a peer or someone they know.
Who Commits Sexual Violence Against Teens?
Sexual Violence and Students
According to the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 6.7% of high school students reported they were physically forced to have sexual intercourse. This includes:
Sexual Violence and Students
Reporting Sexual Harassment FAQ

Reporting Sexual Harassment FAQ

What is Sexual Harassment?

"Sexual Harassment" is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. . 
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: 
  • Teasing or sexual remarks about a student
  • Questioning one's sexual behavior 
  • Sexual jokes, derogatory posters, notes, stories, cartoons, drawings, pictures, obscene gestures, or computer-generated images of a sexual nature
  • Graphic verbal comments about someone's body or overly personal conversation
  •  Spreading sexual rumors
  • Touching, massaging, grabbing, fondling, stroking, kissing, brushing the body, or purposely bumping 
  • Sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual coercion
  • Electronic communications, such as through social media or text messaging, that contain comments, words, or images described above
  • Impeding or blocking movements or any physical interference with school activities when directed at an individual on the basis of sex

What does sexual harassment mean under Title IX?

Sexual harassment under the new Title IX regulations may include the following:
  • Sexual harassment where an employee conditions some type of aid, benefit, or service of the District on the student's participation in unwelcome sexual conduct
  • Sexual harassment where someone engages in unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive
  • Sexual assault
  • Dating violence on the basis of sex
  • Domestic violence on the basis of sex
  • Stalking on the basis of sex

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities. 
Please see our Title IX wepage.

Are there other ways to report sexual harassment?

Yes, you can talk to a teacher, counselor, or administrator, and they will guide you through the sexual harassment process.

Can I report anonymously?

Yes, you may report any form of sexual discrimination anonymously by using the MVLA Student Support Referral Form:

If I speak to a staff member, will they have to report by case to the administration?

Any employee of a school who has actual knowledge of sexual harassment or notice of sexual harassment allegations will be deemed to report it to the administration.  
However, Title IX does not require a report involving isolated sexualized statements, innuendo, or teasing; Title IX does not require reporting a touch on the shoulder or rubbing a lower back. 

What if I want to talk with someone and maintain confidentiality?

School counselors and therapists must maintain confidentiality. If a student reports sexual harassment (unless a student was harmed, or wants to harm themself of others).
Teachers are generally expected to report sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator to determine if it is Title IX or not. 

What types of supportive measures are available?

Supportive measures may include, as appropriate: Counseling, referrals to health, mental health, and/or wellness services, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of class or school-related activity schedules, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures.

Will supportive measures help me access my extracurricular activities?

Yes, the District will also consider appropriate supportive measures to assist the parties in maintaining equal access to their school-related activities.

What if the supportive measures are not working?

Please notify your principal and/or the Title IX Coordinator if you feel your supportive measures are not helping or if you are struggling to maintain equal access to your education program or activity. Supportive measures can be adjusted as reasonably necessary to provide equal access to your educational program or activity.

How long will the supportive measures last?

The supportive measures will continue throughout the entire complaint process. At the end of the investigation, the supportive measures may be adjusted for needs such as remedying the harm caused by the harassment and preventing future harassment, or focusing on corrective and/or disciplinary actions based on the respondent.

If I file a Title IX complaint, can I bring someone with me to the meetings or interviews?

Yes, you may have someone present with you during the complaint process. Title IX calls this person your "Advisor." Your Advisor may be a parent, guardian, family member, attorney, or other adult. Your Advisor may be present with you for any meeting or interview related to the Title IX complaint process. However, an Advisor may be subject to reasonable restrictions as set forth by the District. Respondents may also have an Advisor to support them through a meeting, interview, and other aspects of the complaint process.

Will my participation in the sexual harassment claim or Title IX complaint process be confidential?

Yes and no. It is the District's job to maintain the confidentiality of the identity of anyone who has reported sexual harassment, made a formal complaint of sexual harassment, any individual reported to be a perpetrator of sexual harassment, any Respondent, and any witness.
In other words, the District cannot make these identities public.
However, the identities of the Complainant, witnesses, and Respondent may be revealed to others who are part of the confidential investigation process so that the parties have full opportunity to review and respond to the evidence. 

If the administrator or investigator wants to talk to my personal counselor or therapist, can they do that without my permission?

No. If an administrator or investigator wants to talk to your counselor or therapist, the investigator must ask you for your written consent before talking to that person. 

Will the sexual harassment or Title IX investigation report be released to the public?

The District will not release a Title IX investigation report to the public unless required by state or federal law or a court order. 

What if I am being accused of sexual harassment and I need help?

If a complaint has been filed against you, the administration will offer you supportive measures to preserve equal access to your education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party.

Sexual harassment what you need to know flowchart