Who Can Participate?
All MVLA incoming 10/11/12th graders who have earned a D or F in an offered course.
In-person Summer School is not for acceleration, "get-ahead” course completion, or repeating B or C grades.
What Courses Are Offered?
Courses are subject to sufficient enrollment:
- English: Survey Comp Lit 9th, English Lit/Comp 10th-12th, Intensive Literacy Workshop for English Language Learners
- Math:* Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II
- Social Sciences:* World Studies, Ethnic Studies, US History, US History SDAIE, Civics/Econ SDAIE
- Science:* Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry
- Health (Session 1 only)
- PE (Session 1 only)
- Incoming 9th Summer Academy (Session 1 only)
- Range of Special Education classes (by special assignment)
*Session 1 only covers fall semester content; Session 2 only covers spring semester content.
When and Where is Summer School?
Session 1: June 11-25 (no class June 19)
Session 2: June 26-July 11 (no class July 4-5)
Held at Los Altos High School, 8:30am-3pm M-F
How Does Registration Work?
“F” Grade Make-up(s):
Counselors will assign students to summer school sessions in March/April via Aeries. Summer School course assignments will be sent home Spring Semester, and also available to view via Aeries online. Students needing changes to their summer school assignments need to contact their school counselor by end of April.
“D” grade Make-up(s):
Students can opt to sign up for a summer school class to make up a "D" grade by contacting their school counselor by end of April.
Where Can I Find All Details & Course Descriptions?
Please email Co-Principals Suzanne Woolfolk and Jennifer Lewis at summer@mvla.net