- Student Support & Equity
English Language Development (ELD) Standards
California Education Code Section 60811.3 (e) requires the State Superintendent of Instruction and the State Board of Education to develop a schedule and implementation plan for integrating the new CA ELD Standards (9th & 10th grade standards, 11th and 12th grade standards) into the public education system. The goal of the CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is to serve as a guide of the major steps in the development, adoption, and implementation of the CA ELD Standards for local educational agencies and county offices of education.
The Master Plan for the Education of Limited-English Proficient students reflects the priorities of our Board of Trustees and the philosophy of our district. We believe that all students can learn, given the proper environment, and we strive to support each student’s academic development to the highest level of his or her potential, regardless of race, economic background or language. It is our vision that Limited English proficient students receive the necessary support to ensure acquisition of English in a timely and thorough manner so that they may benefit fully from the district’s core curriculum, and achieve academic parity with their English-only peers. All language minority students develop a positive self-image, cross-cultural understanding and an appreciation of their own heritage.
Students classified as Limited-English Proficient can be redesignated once they have demonstrated proficiency in English and have met a set of predetermined criteria. These criteria are listed on the "Redesignation Worksheet," which is completed by the ELD coordinator and reviewed by a committee of staff familiar with the student. Each year, Limited-English Proficient students are required by law to take the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) to establish proficiency levels. Students are placed in courses accordingly (see Matrix).
Integrated and Designated ELD / ELD designado e integrado
Integrated and Designated ELD / ELD designado e integrado
Integrated and Designated ELD / ELD designado e integrado
“English learners at all English proficiency levels and at all ages require both Integrated ELD and specialized attention to their particular language learning needs, or Designated ELD.”
Designated ELD is defined as instruction provided during a time during the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards to assist English learners to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 [5 CCR] Section 11300[a])
Integrated ELD is defined as instruction in which the state-adopted ELD standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specifically designed academic instruction in English. (5 CCR Section 11300[c])
“Los estudiantes de inglés en todos los niveles de dominio del inglés y en todas las edades requieren ELD integrado y atención especializada a sus necesidades particulares de aprendizaje del idioma, o ELD designado”.
ELD designado se define como la instrucción proporcionada durante un tiempo durante el día escolar regular para la instrucción enfocada en los estándares ELD adoptados por el estado para ayudar a los estudiantes de inglés a desarrollar las habilidades críticas del idioma inglés necesarias para el aprendizaje del contenido académico en inglés. (Código de Regulaciones de California, Título 5 [5 CCR] Sección 11300[a])
ELD integrado se define como instrucción en la que los estándares de ELD adoptados por el estado se utilizan junto con los estándares de contenido académico adoptados por el estado. ELD integrado incluye instrucción académica específicamente diseñada en inglés. (5 CCR Sección 11300[c])