- Policies and Procedures
Uniform Complaint Process
For Title IX Violations, Discrimination and Harassment
For Title IX Violations, Discrimination and Harassment
Any person who wishes to discuss or file a complaint based on discrimination or harassment should first seek remedy through the office of the school's principal. Depending on the nature of the complaint and/or if the complainant feels that the issue has not been satisfactorily resolved, a written statement may be filed with the principal and a copy sent to the Associate Superintendent of Educational Services.
For Education Code Section 35186 Complaints
For Education Code Section 35186 Complaints
Education Code Section 35186 created a procedure for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, and teacher vacancy or misassignment. The complaint and response are public documents as provided by statute. Complaints may be filed anonymously. However, if you wish to receive a response to your complaint, you must complete the Uniform Complaint form for Instructional Materials, Facilities, Teacher misassignment and file the complaint to the Principal of your school or to the Associate Superintendent of Education Services.
Leyla Benson
Associate Superintendent of Personnel Services
Phone: (650) 940-4650, X0041
Email: leyla.benson@mvla.net
Address: 1299 Bryant Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040
If you would like more information about the MVLA complaint please review the complaint procedure policy.
Leyla Benson
Associate Superintendent of Personnel Services
Phone: (650) 940-4650, X0041
Email: leyla.benson@mvla.net
Address: 1299 Bryant Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040
If you would like more information about the MVLA complaint please review the complaint procedure policy.