Caregiver’s Affidavit Procedures
Effective September 25, 2009
I. Purpose and Eligibility for the Caregiver’s Affidavit
- Students shall qualify as district residents if they reside full-time, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, including periods of school recess and vacation, in the home of a caregiving adult within district boundaries. Proof of district residency shall be required as part of the enrollment process as noted below.
- The STUDENT, PARENT/GUARDIAN and CAREGIVER must meet with District staff. Students must be currently living with the caregiver full-time to be eligible for enrollment under this procedure.
- Students may be assigned to a school based on available space.
- Upon enrollment, the caregiving adult shall execute, under penalty of perjury, a Caregiver’s Affidavit.
- The law may require the caregiver, if not a relative or a currently licensed foster parent, to obtain a foster home license in order to care for a minor. Caregivers may contact their local Department of Social Services.
- If the Superintendent or designee, on investigation, determines from actual facts that the student is not living with the caregiver, the student affected shall either be denied enrollment, or, if already enrolled, shall be disenrolled effective five school days from the date that the parent/legal guardian and caregiver were notified (at last known address) of the residency determination.
II. Procedures for Obtaining a Caregiver’s Affidavit
- The Caregiver Affidavit form is available here or you can pick one up at the Educational Services Department located at 1299 Bryant Avenue in Mountain View. The affidavit expires at the end of the current school year or at the time the full-time caregiver relationship ends, whichever comes first. Unless a new affidavit is submitted, the student will be disenrolled.
- The Parent/Guardian Authorization of Loco Parentis form signed by the parent/guardian authorizing the caregiver to act in the capacity of the parent in school-related matters and assume educational responsiblity for the student.
- The STUDENT, PARENT/GUARDIAN and the CAREGIVER must meet with Grace Icasiano (650) 940-4650 Ext 7031 and bring paperwork.
- THREE (3) documents are REQUIRED to establish residency. Post Office boxes do not meet residency requirements. Only street addresses are accepted.
1. Caregiver’s picture ID from the following list:
a. Current CA State Driver’s License
b. Current CA State ID Card
c. Valid Passport or Consulate-issued picture ID
d. Credencia Para Votar (Voter Registration)
2. ONE of the following ORIGINAL documents with the caregiver’s name and address:
a. Current, valid vehicle registration
b. State or Federal tax return filed within the past 12 months with W-2 form(s) attached. Business returns do not meet residency requirements
c. Current bank statement, issued within 35 days from date of enrollment
3. ONE of the following ORIGINAL documents with the caregiver’s name and address:
a. Property Tax bill with caregiver’s name and property address, indicating home owner’s exemption
b. Rental or lease agreement with caregiver’s name, student name and address, as well as manager or owner’s name and phone number
III. Conditions for Students Enrolled on a Caregiver’s Affidavit
- If the minor stops living with the caregiver on a full-time basis, the caregiver is required to immediately notify the school the student is attending as well as the Mountain View Los Altos High School District’s Associate Superintendent of Educational Services at (650) 940-4650 Ext 7031. Notification must take place within 72 hours of the student’s change in residency status.
- This affidavit does not affect the rights of the minor’s parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding school related issues or the care, custody, and control of the minor, and does not mean that the caregiver has legal custody of the minor.
PLEASE NOTE: Use of Caregiver’s Affidavits to establish residency must be substantiated by truthful, accurate and complete documentation. The District may initiate legal action against any caregiver, resident, and/or parent who provides false information or makes false assertions or may report such person to law enforcement.