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What is it? (click to read more)

The CCSS are intended to provide a degree of coherence in academic expectations for students, teachers, and the educational system that has not previously been available in American education. CCSS differ from our current standards in rigor, relevance, depth and specificity. Rigor, especially in the early grades, with evidence-based, explanatory and persuasive writing as well as elementary algebraic thinking introduced to students as early as in Kindergarten and first grade. (more)

What does it do? (click to read more)

The CCSS create opportunities for educators to focus on essential learnings. There will be enough time to not just cover the standards, but develop a depth of understanding that ensures students’ ability to transfer knowledge and apply it across different content areas, to solve problems and to think critically about what they are learning. (more)

How will it be assessed? (click to read more)

California has joined 24 other states and signed on to work with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), one of two nation-wide Consortia on the development of the next generation assessment system. For California, these assessments are known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). (more)

What kind of changes can students expect to see in the classroom? (click to read more)

With the implementation of the Common Core, hands-on activities and collaborative exercises will be much more prevalent, and English students will see a shift toward nonfiction texts. Media skills will be integrated into everyday lessons, writing may be shared with outside audiences and next-generation assessments will evaluate higher order thinking and problem solving processes. (more)