CTE Career Pathways 2024-2025

CTE Pathways
Each Pathway is a from one of the 15 California Industry "SECTORS", followed by a "PATHWAY" within that sector, and then our course sequencing, which consists of a Concentrator or 1st course, and a Capstone, or 2nd course. Courses should be taken in sequence when at all possible for students to be considered CTE Pathway Completers.
Dual Enrollment is when students earn UC/CSU transferable credit (in most cases) while taking a high school course, while they are in high school, during the normal school day. Students are typically taught by their high school teacher, and must earn a C (75%) or better to earn the credit. There is no special test, or enrollment sign up, other than parents must sign a form at the beginning of the class that they may receive the credit.
& Denotes CTSO's
CTSO stands for CTE Student Organization. CTSO's are clubs that complement the CTE Pathway sector, and many times students travel and compete regionally and/or nationally. Clubs are student run organizations that are part of the ASB (associated student body). There are 6 organizations recognized by CTE, three of which include DECA, HOSA and SkillsUSA. MVLA is in the process of adding these CTE affliated clubs in the next few years.
^ Denotes Industry Certification
MVLA is in the process of adding industry recognized credentials and certificates for many of it's pathways at no cost to students. A few of these include OSHA-10 General Industry, CPR certification, Foodsafe safeserve, NC3 Mechatronics 1, NC3 AC/DC Fundamentals, Festo PLCs-Siemens, and Universal Robotics 1 is coming soon!