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From theatres to tennis courts, several MVLA school district facilities are available for rent to outside groups. MVLA has policies designed to assist groups desiring to use school facilities for approved activities while preserving order in school buildings and on school grounds, protecting school facilities, and ensuring that use of facilities/grounds does not conflict with their use for school purposes or interfere with the regular conduct of school work and activities. In granting permission for use of facilities, the district will consider the impact on the surrounding neighborhood and may include conditions that minimize neighborhood impact. Certain facilities (such as offices, computer rooms, or science labs) may be excluded from community use for safety, security, or liability reasons. Detail on rentals, deposits, fees, restrictions, required insurance coverage, and all relevant forms are in the menu links.

Mountain View High


The Business Services department can assist with questions and logistics. For additional assistance, please email Daisy De La Cruz.
Facilities Master Plan

Facilities Master Plan