- About MVLA
Family Partnership Council (FPC)

03/02/2022 Meeting
04/26/2022 Meeting
09/27/2022 Meeting
10/25/2022 Meeting
Meeting Recap (Must be on Parent Square to access.)
12/06/2022 Meeting
Meeting Recap (Must be on Parent Square to access.)
01/31/2023 Meeting
04/25/2023 Meeting
09/06/2023 Meeting
10/04/2023 Meeting
01/24/2024 Meeting
02/07/2024 Meeting
03/06/2024 Meeting
04/23/24 Meeting
10/09/2024 Meeting
Meeting Interpretation in Spanish provided by Desmond McCann of Santa Clara County Office of Education.
11/13/2024 Meeting
The FPC was established as part of the district’s goal to strengthen and facilitate communication, feedback, and collaboration between our families and MVLAHSD.
The purpose of the FPC is to provide an opportunity for parents/families and district staff to:
● build capacity for staff and family engagement in student learning
● listen and learn from one another in a spirit of open-mindedness and respect,
● examine issues from multiple perspectives and engage in collaborative discussions on issues impacting student learning,
● co-create an ongoing feedback loop within the community of educational partners,
● work together to promote equity for all students in the district,
● develop stronger connections, continuity, and communication throughout the community
● establish a consistent process for parental engagement in district-wide initiatives
with the explicit intent of improving learning outcomes for all students in the district.
● build capacity for staff and family engagement in student learning
● listen and learn from one another in a spirit of open-mindedness and respect,
● examine issues from multiple perspectives and engage in collaborative discussions on issues impacting student learning,
● co-create an ongoing feedback loop within the community of educational partners,
● work together to promote equity for all students in the district,
● develop stronger connections, continuity, and communication throughout the community
● establish a consistent process for parental engagement in district-wide initiatives
with the explicit intent of improving learning outcomes for all students in the district.
The FPC consists of:
● Presidents (or president’s designee) from elected bodies from across the district,
● District administration
● Site administration
● CSEA & DTA presidents
● Members at Large appointed by the Superintendent from the community
● Board of Trustees representatives
● Teachers & Staff Members (IST member, WASC Coordinators, ELD Department Coordinators, CCEIS cohort teachers, Bilingual Community Liaisons) designated by site administration
● Presidents (or president’s designee) from elected bodies from across the district,
● District administration
● Site administration
● CSEA & DTA presidents
● Members at Large appointed by the Superintendent from the community
● Board of Trustees representatives
● Teachers & Staff Members (IST member, WASC Coordinators, ELD Department Coordinators, CCEIS cohort teachers, Bilingual Community Liaisons) designated by site administration
Groups Invited to Participate include:
● Site English Language Advisory Council ((ELAC) presidents or designees
● MVHS & LAHS presidents (or designees) of parent groups for underrepresented/ CCEIS focus populations
● MVLA SpEd Advisory
● MVHS & LAHS Parent Teacher Student Association presidents (or designee)
● MVLA Foundation President
● MVLA Foundation Executive Director
● MVHS & LAHS Athletic and Music Boosters
● AVHS Parent Group Rep
● Student Leaders
● Site English Language Advisory Council ((ELAC) presidents or designees
● MVHS & LAHS presidents (or designees) of parent groups for underrepresented/ CCEIS focus populations
● MVLA SpEd Advisory
● MVHS & LAHS Parent Teacher Student Association presidents (or designee)
● MVLA Foundation President
● MVLA Foundation Executive Director
● MVHS & LAHS Athletic and Music Boosters
● AVHS Parent Group Rep
● Student Leaders
Consejo de asociatión familia de mVLA
Consejo de asociatión familia de mVLA![]()
Consejo de asociatión familia de mVLA
El FPC se estableció como parte del objetivo del distrito de fortalecer y facilitar la comunicación, los comentarios y la colaboración entre nuestras familias y MVLAHSD.
El propósito del FPC es brindar una oportunidad para que los padres/familias y el personal del distrito:
● desarrollar la capacidad para la participación del personal y la familia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes
● escuchar y aprender unos de otros con un espíritu de mente abierta y respeto,
● examinar problemas desde múltiples perspectivas y participar en debates colaborativos sobre temas que afectan el aprendizaje de los estudiantes,
● co-crear un circuito de retroalimentación continuo dentro de la comunidad de partes interesadas,
● trabajar juntos para promover la equidad para todos los estudiantes en el distrito,
● desarrollar conexiones más sólidas, continuidad y comunicación en toda la comunidad
● establecer un proceso consistente para la participación de los padres en las iniciativas de todo el distrito
con la intención explícita de mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje de todos los estudiantes del distrito.
El FPC está compuesto por:
● Presidentes (o la persona designada por el presidente) de organismos electos de todo el distrito,
● Administración del distrito
● Administración del sitio
● Presidentes de CSEA y DTA
● Miembros en general designados por el Superintendente de la comunidad
● Representantes de la Junta de Síndicos
● Maestros y miembros del personal (miembro de IST, coordinadores de WASC, coordinadores de departamento de ELD, maestros de cohorte de CCEIS, enlaces comunitarios bilingües) designados por la administración del sitio
Los grupos invitados a participar incluyen:
● Consejo asesor del idioma inglés del sitio ((ELAC) presidentes o personas designadas
● Presidentes de MVHS y LAHS (o personas designadas) de grupos de padres para poblaciones de enfoque subrepresentadas/CCEIS
● Asesoramiento sobre educación especial de MVLA
● Presidentes de la Asociación de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes de MVHS y LAHS (o su designado)
● Presidente de la Fundación MVLA
● Directora Ejecutiva de la Fundación MVLA
● Promotores deportivos y musicales de MVHS y LAHS
● Representante del grupo de padres de AVHS
● Líderes estudiantiles