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Dear MVLA Families and Friends,
The holidays are nearly upon us, and it's been wonderful to see students and staff throw themselves wholeheartedly into holiday activities. These include concerts, special holiday productions, and amazing fundraisers benefiting school programs. Our community celebrates the season by volunteering to assist those in need and participating in a variety of meaningful activities. Our students are gearing up for the end of their first semester and we are looking forward to spending the winter break with our friends and family.
I'm pleased this month to introduce you to the District's new Wellness Coordinator, William Blair. William has been with MVLA for many years, most recently as an Assistant Principal at Mountain View High School, and, as you'll read below, considers this new position to be his "dream job." William will begin his new duties next month, and we're very excited to have his help coordinating health and wellness initiatives and activities as a district priority. In this MVLA Update, we'll begin a monthly practice of including a Wellness Matters tip, and welcome your ideas for wellness strategies you've tried at home and at work to share with our community.
As we end 2019, I wish you and yours the happiest of holidays and look forward to seeing you in 2020! As always, I thank you for your partnership with us and doing what's best for our students and community.
Thank you.
Dr. Nellie Meyer